We are Pip and Carli.

Together, we are Still Smiths.


Pip Hay, stylist

For me, styling is about much more than making a shot look good. It’s a rewarding creating process in itself, that’s about bringing everything together - the concept, strategy, palette, props and the lighting to create something that becomes more than the sum of its parts.

I discovered my love of styling while I was studying, working in fashion and kitchens, loving colour, texture and people. After uni i founded The Farm Cafe at the Collingwood Children’s Farm. This was a turning point where I was able to be creative in all of the elements of a dynamic small business- marketing, branding, shop fit out, cooking and event styling. Everything I did from creating the menus to putting together laden graze tables was about design and finding authentic and happy solutions for business and customer.

Post cafe times I continued to be drawn to small businesses that need creative solutions. I was lucky to meet Carli whilst working at Boom Gallery. We instantly hit it off and have loved working and creating together over the last year.

Now, Still Smiths is my ultimate creative project where I get to combine my love of styling with my belief in nurturing other small businesses.



Carli Wilson, photographer

I’ve lived and breathed photography for all of my adult life. Being part of a creative process, working in a team and drawing inspiration from others is what makes me happy. Every day, I get to capture images that have been developed from researching a concept. A set is built as layers of props and colours are added to communicate the brands story. This process is so rewarding for me, as you are only limited by your imagination.

I started University doing graphic design and when I was introduced to the darkroom, I was completely hooked. I will never forget the magic of an image revealing itself in the developer tray. After two years studying design, I applied to study a commercial photography degree at RMIT and I have never looked back. I travelled with my camera and then spent the next two decades capturing weddings and portraits on weekends. During this time, I also opened a bar in a small coastal town, managed a BnB and completed a Diploma in Education. It was through teaching photography, researching projects and writing curriculum for a Diploma course that I rediscovered my passion for studio based commercial photography. So, I hired a tiny studio space on Rutland St in Geelong to pursue this. Being part of this precinct, and working with Boom Gallery has allowed me to meet many wonderful local creatives and has created such exciting opportunities.

Still Smiths is a creative project that brings all of my skills to one place. My studio is now housed in a beautiful industrial building and I am surrounded by the curated artworks of Big Boom gallery. I get to work as a team with talented stylist, Pip Hay and together we help creatives, artisans and small businesses illustrate their originality with stunning images.



Let’s work together